Minggu, 18 September 2016

Week 1 - Why I choose study major at Tanjupura Univerisity

Hello readers , in this chance, i would like to tell you some reasons why i choose electrical engineering in Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. Actually, i would like to tell you the truth is, i had no idea where i want to continue my major study after senior high school and i’m so confused to choose the major correctly based on my talent and my skill . Because of it, my friend told me there is a briefing about to choose our major correctly by known our self – potential and our talent. Then, i came and visited that program. Three months later after that program, i’ve got a result that the best major based on my skills are  information engineering, electrical engineering and information systems. That results are why i choose electrical engineering.

Then why i choose study major in Tanjungpura University ?

It because my parents banned me to study out of west borneo, they said that i can’t take care my own necessity if live in another city (far away from them),  but if i passed in STAN, STIS, etc i could study out west borneo. Cause, there is no option so i choose Tanjungpura University as my major study. But if god gave me a hope to qualify at STAN in the next year i hope i could make my parents pround to me. So readers, please pray for me that i can pass at STAN for next year, god give me more strenght and have a good healthy to studied in Tanjungpura University. Aamiin

If there is a wrong word or my bad grammar please comment my post below. Thanks for reading my post i hope you enjoy it. 

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